Chaos and Nothing

A quick recap of the last few weeks and my plans for the remainder of the year.

Chaos and Nothing

I won’t go into detail about all the things that have been keeping me busy lately. But between my oldest starting kindergarten, all the germs and resulting illnesses he brings home, and getting accustomed to our new routine, I’ve been busy. I’ve been baking, reading, playing video games, overseeing arts and crafts, and going to the library a TON.

I’ve had little time for writing over the last few months and have gotten pretty much nothing done on my WIP. I also stopped querying my fairytale and left two short stories, unfinished, in the dust. But the chaos has settled a bit (or maybe I’m used to it now), so I’ll be participating in Nation Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year!


My working title is Shadow. It’s a YA fantasy inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas, featuring magic, mayhem, and murder. This story has been in my wheelhouse for a year, and I’m excited to finally write it! I won’t say much more, but enjoy these aesthetics I’ve made!


The Sword of the Witch

I’m about 2/3 through my third draft of The Sword of the Witch. One character’s story is still in its first draft (yet to be completed because I’m working linearly), while other sections are polished enough for querying. The whole thing is a bit of a complicated mess, but I have no intention of abandoning it. I love the story and am excited to keep working on it in December. I just don’t want it to be the only story I work on in 2018. Hence, my separate Nanowrimo goal.


I’m up to 95 books read for the year! Reading is so very important for writers. I highly recommend it. I’m sad I won’t be able to read as much in November because of Nanowrimo. But hopefully I’ll still be able to squeeze in three or four!

Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at 10.10.01 PM
My June through October reads

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